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Chocolate Banana from Awfully Chocolate

When chocolate fudge cakes are concerned, most will not missed out the existence of Awfully Chocolate. When Awfully Chocolate made its first appearance in Singapore, people are pretty skeptical about a cake shop with no display of cakes and it selling only 4 products (3 types of fudge cakes and chocolate ice-cream). Truly indeed, it has become so successful that with the amount of branches round Singapore, it has made chocolate fudge cakes pretty accessible to us without having to travel to each corner of Singapore.

I have always been curious about the Chocolate Banana from Awfully Chocolate as it seems to be more popular than their All Chocolate. Whenever I make a phone reservation at around 3pm for a cake to pick up after work, Chocolate Banana has never fail to run out. Finally say my hands on this and I just make my comments short and sweet.

Chocolate Banana

The main difference between All Chocolate and Chocolate Banana is the texture. As the latter has more cake and fudge content, making it soft and springy, Chocolate Banana is chewy and adopts a kueh-like texture. It is also less sweet when compared to All Chocolate and the general feedback I received is that this is definitely the choice if you like the combination of chocolate-banana. For me, All Chocolate with 5% reduction in sugar is the way to go.

To Yuan, this was a highly anticipated cake given the high number of recommendations. In fact the scent which came from the cake made him crave for it along the MRT ride. The first bite was disappointing and he is trying hard to convince himself that this is one of the best chocolate banana cakes during subsequent bites. In his opinion, this tasted like the Banana Ball fritter (Jumput Jumput) except that it was not fried. It was more kueh-like rather than cake like. The banana totally outshines the chocolate. Yuan probably won’t recommend this cake unless you love Jumput Jumput.

Anyway, a 6-inch cake will cost $28.20 while a 8-inch will be $56.40.

Awfully Chocolate (Republic Plaza)
9 Raffles Place
Singapore 048619
Tel: 6535 6593

Operating hours - 10:30am to 7pm (Closed on Weekends and public holidays)

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