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Mint & Chocolate Chips Ice Cream (made with fresh mint leaves)

This is my 2nd attempt on Mint & Chocolate Chips Ice Cream. The first attempt was totally failed because I over-beat the cream. The ice cream then turned out a bit lumpy and I added too much condensed milk that made the ice cream super duper sweet. Yeah...super duper sweet, that's why my boy said it's good. 

This time, I made it with my own recipe and method....the less sweet version and made with fresh mint. Most recipe that I found were made with mint essence, egg yolks and need to churn! I do not have an ice cream maker at home, so this no-churn version is best for me. 

1 pkt Fresh Mint Leaves (30g pack, stems removed)
4 heap tbsp Condensed Milk (I made it less sweet, can be increased for sweeter and creamier ice cream)
250ml Thickened Cream
Chocolate Chips

1. Place mint leaves and 2 heap tbsp of condensed milk in a food processor. Blend it.

2. Strain, stir in the remaining condensed milk and set aside.

Next time, I will skip this step...with less mint leaves use. Updated on 5 Sept 2014: I made this today with 3 tbsp mint leaves added into the ice cream. It adds great flavor to the ice cream. Can be increased some more for extra minty flavor. 

 3. Whip the thickened cream until whipped cream consistency.

4. Fold in whipped cream. Add chocolate chips and mix well.
5. Pour in a freezer safe container and freeze at least 6 hours or overnight.

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